개인정보 처리방침Personal Information Processing Policy

[National Material Research Data Platform] Personal Information Processing Policy

[National Material Research Data Platform] is collected, held, and processed in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
The「Personal Information Protection Act」presents general norms for the handling of such personal information, and collects, retains and processes personal information in accordance with the provisions of these laws and regulations for the proper performance of public affairs and the use of personal information by users. We will use it legally and appropriately to protect your rights and interests.In addition, [National Materials Research Data Platform] respects the rights and interests of users, such as requests for viewing, correction, deletion, and suspension of processing of personal information held in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, and users may respond to violations of rights and interests under these laws and regulations. You may file an administrative appeal in accordance with the Administrative Appeals Act.[National Materials Research Data Platform] establishes the following personal information processing policy in accordance with Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection Act to protect the personal information and rights of information subjects and to smoothly handle users' complaints related to personal information. We are making it public.
  • Article 1 (Purpose of processing personal information)

    ① The National Materials Research Data Platform processes personal information for the following purposes. The personal information being processed will not be used for purposes other than the following, and if the purpose of use changes, necessary measures will be taken, such as obtaining separate consent in accordance with Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

    1. Providing services and conducting business Personal information is processed for purposes related to service provision, such as use of research data and identity verification. Personal information is collected for purposes related to providing services and performing tasks for each site, including this site, such as providing content, events, surveys, collecting user opinions, statistical information, identification, delivering notices, securing smooth communication channels, and issuing certificates. Process it. Name, affiliation, and email information may be displayed for use and sharing of research data.

    2. Complaint processing Personal information is processed for the purpose of handling complaints related to personal information, such as viewing personal information, correcting or deleting personal information, requesting suspension of personal information processing, and reporting personal information leakage incidents.

    ② The purpose of processing personal information files registered and disclosed by the National Materials Research Data Platform in accordance with Article 32 of the Personal Information Protection Act is as follows.

    1. Member information : Information subject consent / Identity verification for use of National Materials Research Data Platform service

    2. Processing of requests such as viewing of personal information User information : Articles 35 to 39 of the Personal Information Protection Act / Reference or fact verification for administrative tasks such as request processing of personal information

    3. Leak incident report processing User information : Article 34 of the Personal Information Protection Act / Reference or fact verification for administrative work in handling leak accident reports

    ※ Please refer to Article 6, Paragraph ① for detailed information on members.

  • Article 2 (Processing and retention period of personal information)

    ① The National Materials Research Data Platform processes and retains personal information within the personal information retention and use period in accordance with the law or the personal information retention and use period consented to when collecting personal information from the information subject.

    ② The processing and retention period for each personal information is as follows.

    1. Member information : Until information subject consent / membership withdrawal

    2. Processing of requests such as viewing personal information User information : Articles 35 to 39 of the Personal Information Protection Act / Until membership withdrawal

    3. Leak incident report processing User information : Article 34 of the Personal Information Protection Act / Until membership withdrawal

    ※ For more detailed disclosure of personal information file registration in the National Research Data Platform, please use the Personal Information Protection Support Portal of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security (www.privacy.go.kr) → Personal Information Complaints → Personal Information Access Request → Personal Information File List Search Menu.

  • Article 3 (Provision of personal information to third parties)

    ① I In principle, the national research data platform processes users' personal information only within the scope specified for the purpose of collecting and holding it, and does not use it for purposes other than that purpose or provide it to a third party without the prior consent of the information subject.(Hereinafter referred to as ‘use for other purposes’) However, if it falls under Article 18, Paragraph 2 of the Personal Information Protection Act, it may be used for purposes other than the intended purpose.

    ② Notwithstanding the proviso to Paragraph 1, if there is a risk of unfairly infringing on the interests of the information subject or a third party, the information will not be used for purposes other than the intended purpose.

    ③ If the researcher confirms that personal information has been re-provided to a third party without the researcher's consent and is being processed by a third party, the researcher may stop providing the personal information and prohibit its use as follows.

    1. Confirm the re-provision of personal information by the target organization that received the personal information

    2. Warning by personal information protection manager

    3. Re-confirmation of re-provision of personal information

    4. After obtaining approval through internal approval, an official letter regarding the suspension of personal information is sent and the provision of personal information is suspended.

    ④ All matters regarding the provision of personal information to third parties are governed by the Personal Information Protection Act and its enforcement ordinance.

  • Article 4 (Entrustment of personal information processing)

    ① In order to smoothly process personal information, the National Materials Research Data Platform entrusts personal information processing as follows.

    - Entrusted person (trustee) : Company (or consortium) that has contracted with KISTI

    - Contents of entrusted work : System development and maintenance

    ※ The trustee may be changed every year by contract, and only the company (or consortium) that has contracted for this work can perform personal information processing work.

    ② When concluding a consignment contract, the National Materials Research Data Platform is responsible for prohibiting the processing of personal information other than for the purpose of performing the entrusted work, technical and managerial protection measures, restrictions on re-entrustment, management and supervision of the consignee, and compensation for damages in accordance with Article 25 of the Personal Information Protection Act. Matters related to this are specified in documents such as contracts, and we supervise whether the trustee handles personal information safely.

  • Article 5 (Rights, obligations and exercise methods of information subjects and legal representatives)

    ① The information subject (referring to the legal representative if under the age of 14) may exercise the rights such as viewing, correcting, deleting personal information, and requesting processing

    ② To exercise rights under paragraph 1, submit a request in the form in [Appendix 1] by email, fax, etc., or submit a request for viewing personal information, etc. on the Personal Information Protection Portal (www.privacy.go.kr). You can do so through ”, and we will take action immediately).

    * Ministry of the Interior and Safety Personal Information Protection Comprehensive Support Portal → Personal Information Complaints → Requests for Viewing Personal Information, etc. Search for the institution name “Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information”.

    ③ The exercise of rights under paragraph 1 may be done through an agent, such as the information subject's legal representative or a person authorized to do so. In this case, you must submit a power of attorney in the format of Appendix 11 of the Enforcement Rules of the Personal Information Protection Act.

    ④ Requests to view and suspend personal information processing may limit the information subject's rights pursuant to Article 35, Paragraph 4 and Article 37, Paragraph 2 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

    ⑤ Requests for correction and deletion of personal information cannot be requested if the personal information is specified as a collection target in other laws and regulations.

    ⑥ We confirm whether the person making the request, such as a request for viewing, a request for correction or deletion, or a request for suspension of processing, is the person or a legitimate agent in accordance with the information subject's rights.

  • Article 6 (Personal information items processed)

    ① Tasks and purposes: Member management, service usage status analysis, data usage status analysis, data sharing, user opinion survey, system operation and management, provision of personal information to third parties, other system improvement tasks, etc.

    ② Required personal information items

    1. Information collected when registering as a member : (required) ID, name, password,email, affiliated organization, (options) position

    2. Other information : (Consent information) Information on whether or not you consent when registering as a member

    ③ Retention period : Until membership withdrawal, a total of 5 years (2 years idle, 3 years standby), idle refers to members who have no log-in record for more than 2 years.

  • Article 7 (Procedures and methods for destroying personal information)

    ① The National Materials Research Data Platform immediately destroys personal information when it becomes unnecessary, such as when the personal information retention period has elapsed or the purpose of processing has been achieved.

    ② If personal information must continue to be preserved pursuant to other laws and regulations even though the personal information retention period agreed to by the information subject has passed or the purpose of processing has been achieved, the personal information (or personal information file) may be transferred to a separate database (DB) or Preserve in different storage locations.

    ③ The procedures and methods for destroying personal information are as follows.

    1. Destruction Procedure The National Materials Research Data Platform establishes a destruction plan for personal information (or personal information files) that must be destroyed and destroys it. The National Materials Research Data Platform collects personal information (or personal information files) that are subject to destruction. Personal information (or personal information file) is destroyed upon selection and approval from the personal information protection manager of the National Materials Research Data Platform.

    2. Method of destruction The National Materials Research Data Platform destroys personal information recorded and stored in the form of electronic files so that the records cannot be reproduced, and personal information recorded and stored in paper documents is destroyed by shredding or incineration.

  • Article 8 (Matters related to installation, operation and refusal of automatic personal information collection devices)

    The National Materials Research Data Platform does not use ‘cookies’ to store and retrieve usage information from time to time in order to provide individualized services to users.

  • Article 9 (Matters concerning measures to ensure the safety of personal information)

    The National Materials Research Data Platform is taking the following technical, managerial, and physical measures to ensure safety in accordance with Article 29 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

    ① Establishment and implementation of an internal management plan : The National Materials Research Data Platform establishes and implements an internal management plan in accordance with the ‘Standards for securing the safety of personal information’ (Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs Notice No. 2016-35, September 1, 2016).

    ② Minimization and training of personal information handlers : We minimize the designation of personal information handlers and provide regular internal and external training.

    ③ Restriction of access to personal information : Control access to personal information by granting, changing, and deleting access rights to the database system that processes personal information, and using an intrusion prevention system and an intrusion prevention system to prevent unauthorized access from outside. Access is controlled. We also record the granting, change, or cancellation of access rights to personal information, and keep the records for at 3 years.

    ④ Storage and prevention of forgery and falsification of access records : Records of access to the personal information processing system (web logs, summary information, etc.) are stored and managed for at least six months, and the access records are prevented from forgery, falsification, theft or loss. Manage it.

    ⑤ Encryption of personal information : Users’ personal information is encrypted, stored and managed. Additionally, we use separate security features such as encrypting important data during storage.

    ⑥ Technical measures against hacking, etc. : In order to prevent leakage and damage of personal information due to hacking or computer viruses, the researcher uses devices that block external intrusions, periodically updates and inspects them, and places them in areas where access from the outside is controlled. We have installed a system and are monitoring and blocking it technically and physically.

    ⑦ Access control for unauthorized persons : We have a separate physical storage location for the personal information system that stores personal information and establish and operate access control procedures for it. In particular, computer rooms and data storage rooms are designated as special protection areas and access is controlled.

    ⑧ Other measures : To ensure the security of the homepage or continuous service, the researcher operates various programs to control (monitor) network traffic and detect attempts to illegally change information. In addition, in order to prevent human information leakage in advance, all employees are required to take a security pledge, and internal procedures are in place to audit implementation and compliance with the personal information protection policy.

  • Article 10 (Personal information protection officer)

    ① The National Materials Research Data Platform is responsible for overall work related to personal information processing, and designates a personal information protection manager as follows to handle complaints and provide relief for damage from information subjects related to personal information processing.

    1. Site Personal Information Manager : Seong-ho Shin, 042-869-1729 / maximus74@kisti.re.kr

    2. Site Personal Information Manager : Ga-ram Ban, 042-869-1761 / gban@kisti.re.kr

    ② While using the services (or business) of the National Materials Research Data Platform, the information subject may inquire about personal information protection-related inquiries, complaint handling, damage relief, etc. to the personal information protection manager and department in charge. The National Materials Research Data Platform will promptly respond and process inquiries from information subjects.

  • Article 11 (Request to view personal information)

    ① The information subject may request access to personal information pursuant to Article 35 of the Personal Information Protection Act to the person in charge below.

    1. Site Personal Information Manager : Seong-ho Shin, 042-869-1729 / maximus74@kisti.re.kr

    2. Site Personal Information Manager : Ga-ram Ban, 042-869-1761 / gban@kisti.re.kr

    ② In addition to the review request reception and processing department in Paragraph 1, the information subject may also request access to personal information through the ‘Personal Information Protection Comprehensive Support Portal’ website (www.privacy.go.kr).

  • Article 12 (How to relieve rights infringement)

    Information subjects can inquire about damage relief and consultation regarding personal information infringement to the organizations below. (The organizations below are separate from the National Materials Research Data Platform. If you are not satisfied with the National Materials Research Data Platform's own personal information complaint handling and damage relief results, or if you need more detailed assistance, please contact us.)

    1. Personal Information Infringement Reporting Center (operated by Korea Internet & Security Agency)

    - Responsibilities : Reporting personal information infringement, requesting consultation

    - Website : privacy.go.kr

    - Phone : (without area code) 118

    - Address : (58324) Personal Information Infringement Reporting Center, 3rd floor, 9 Jinheung-gil, Naju-si, Jeollanam-do (Bitgaram-dong 301-2)

    2. Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee

    - Responsibilities : personal information dispute mediation application, group dispute mediation (civil resolution)

    - Website : www.kopico.go.kr

    - Phone : (without area code) 1833-6972 · Address: (03171) 4th floor, Seoul Government Complex, 209 Sejong-daero, Jongno-gu, Seoul

    3. Supreme Prosecutors' Office Cyber ​​Crime Investigation Team : 02-3480-3573 (www.spo.go.kr)

    4. National Police Agency Cyber ​​Security Bureau : 182 (cyberbureau.police.go.kr)

  • Article 13 (Change in personal information processing policy)

    When content of the current personal information processing policy is added, deleted, or modified, we will notify you through this website 15 days prior to the revision. However, if there are important changes in user management, such as collection and use of personal information, provision to third parties, etc., we will notify you 30 days in advance.

    - Announcement date : December 18, 2020

    - Effective date : December 18, 2020